Kingdom of Atlantia Royal Forestry Guild

Forestry and outdoor skills with a focus on pre-1600 time periods


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  • Proposed changes for 2024 guild vote
    The officers have been working on updating the Forestry guild’s governing document (currently referred to as the “charter”, but one of the proposed changes is related to that!) and submit the following changes for discussion and voting. As a note, those eligible to vote are guild members ranked Underforester and above, but everyone is encouraged… Read more: Proposed changes for 2024 guild vote
  • Forestry Guild Display at Kingdom Arts and Sciences
    The guild put together a group display for the 2024 Kingdom Arts & Sciences/Tir-y-Don Baronial Investiture. For more information on display components, please see the list below! Foraged dyestuffs Cordage making Fire making Harvesting and pit-firing wild clay Items inspired by Chaucer’s Yeoman Forester Newsletters (Volumes 1 and 2) The purpose and mission of the… Read more: Forestry Guild Display at Kingdom Arts and Sciences
  • The Forester’s Tale Challenge
    Whan that Aprille with his shoures soote,The droghte of March hath perced to the roote,…And smale foweles maken melodye,That slepen al the nyght with open ye,So priketh hem Natúre in hir corages,Thanne longen folk to goon on pilgrimages,…And specially, from every shires endeOf Engelond, to Caunterbury they wende, The Canterbury Tales: General Prologuelines 1-2, 9-12,… Read more: The Forester’s Tale Challenge
  • Updates to Guild Newsletter Schedule
    Starting with Volume 3, we will be reducing the number of Guild newsletters to two per year. We are aiming for publication on the Solstices. If you would like to contribute, please continue to send your submissions to the guild email address by the last day of May or November for consideration. The Oak has… Read more: Updates to Guild Newsletter Schedule
  • Other SCA Forestry Guilds
    (Originally published 8/10/2022 on our previous webpage) FORESTRY GUILDS OUTSIDE OF ATLANTIA If you are not located in an area within the Kingdom of Atlantia, please be sure to check out groups in your area.   East Kingdom Royal Foresters:  website and Facebook group Royal Foresters of Meridies:  Facebook group Unofficial Northshield Foresters Guild:  Facebook group ​Northwest Foresters Guild (An… Read more: Other SCA Forestry Guilds
  • Regional Wardens Duties
    (Originally published 1/24/2022 on our previous webpage) The Regional Wardens of the Forests of Atlantia (3-year term) ​Position revised January 20th, Anno Societatus 56, by High Warden Finne Breth ​Regional Wardens serve under the High Warden and support that office in the administration of the Guild. Currently there are two Regional Warden positions in Atlantia,… Read more: Regional Wardens Duties
  • Newsletter Submission Guidelines
    (Originally published 6/16/2021 on our previous webpage) To submit an article to the guild newsletter, please utilize as little formatting as possible.  ​Some limitations with current software include a lack of subscripts or superscripts and restarting numbered lists between columns or pages.  It is also easier for formatting if all captions are provided in text format… Read more: Newsletter Submission Guidelines
  • Joining the Guild
    (Originally published 5/9/2021 on our previous webpage; updated 3/4/24) So you’ve decided to check out the forestry guild, what now? 1) Join us on facebook! 2) Submit an application and learn about member progression. 3) Look through past and join current challenges 4) After 90 days probation, you can take the oath to officially join the Kingdom of Atlantia Royal Forestry… Read more: Joining the Guild
  • Atlantia Forestry (quarantine) Challenge
    (Originally published 5/8/2021 on our previous webpage) We’ve put together a challenge for our foresters to stay active and learn new skills while we are apart.  There are three award levels and activities are broad enough to allow a wide level of participation.  Feel free to gear the activities for your own best learning and… Read more: Atlantia Forestry (quarantine) Challenge